December 18, 2008

What can we do about Global Warming?

Global Warming

Global warming is the real issue for today. There are so many discussions regarding the issue internationally and locally. And I think there are enough information in order for people to help minimizing this climate change.

Right now all we need to do is to find these information, try to evaluate and implement these proposed steps we think are effective as soon as possible. I think we no more need to propose another step or ideas in minimizing global warming if we ourselves are not really discpline and can't even perform the basic steps in preserving our environment.

Below are some sites suggesting several steps people can do today regarding global warming.


Every proposed steps and ideas are useless without the support of the many. Even with a single step that we can perform among these shared ideas is already a great contribution to alleviate our suffering.

At this point of time we should be in a hurry and not waste time, every second of human mess can contribute to the increase of global warming.



December 11, 2008

I think, therefore I exist

"I think, therefore I exist"
- Rene Descartes

This famous quote from a mathematician, Descartes truly says a thousand of meaning.

For me, this quote says that we need to think not only once in whatever we do and we must always think ahead of time. Like taking our decisions, we need to balance which of which would probably gives us favorable result. If we establish a plan then we must figure out if we can truly make it as the time will come.

Generally as a student, these words of Rene tell me that I have to be conscious with my everyday and incoming works. And yes I am thinking with all the things involving my studies.

Thinking and planning also talk with discipline. We need to be serious and implement disciplinary actions from ourselves. And for me these things are not easy. I sometimes miss to discipline myself causes me not to obey my work plans as student and as person. There are so many things that I need to give my attention everyday. This is a big challenge for me until now. Setting priorities.

Thinking is existing and people are the only who exists that are thinking. We are all people, so we need to think. . .

December 9, 2008

Did you know the relation of Your Blog design and Your Posting Habit?

As I observe, I do less posting on my personal blog because I seldom visit my own personal blog.
I seldom visit it because this blog don't look nice. Me as the author don't like my own blog (for the mean time), what the?.
Maybe the reasons why this blog looks not interesting are I am having hard time choosing and knowing what are healthy-to-look templates, I don't know what to put on my blog, I don't have good taste in web-designing, or I don't really love blogging.

But I am still finding my best time for making this blog of mine updated and be interesting to visit.

I am visiting other blogs to gain ideas, sometimes. . .