December 18, 2008

What can we do about Global Warming?

Global Warming

Global warming is the real issue for today. There are so many discussions regarding the issue internationally and locally. And I think there are enough information in order for people to help minimizing this climate change.

Right now all we need to do is to find these information, try to evaluate and implement these proposed steps we think are effective as soon as possible. I think we no more need to propose another step or ideas in minimizing global warming if we ourselves are not really discpline and can't even perform the basic steps in preserving our environment.

Below are some sites suggesting several steps people can do today regarding global warming.


Every proposed steps and ideas are useless without the support of the many. Even with a single step that we can perform among these shared ideas is already a great contribution to alleviate our suffering.

At this point of time we should be in a hurry and not waste time, every second of human mess can contribute to the increase of global warming.



December 11, 2008

I think, therefore I exist

"I think, therefore I exist"
- Rene Descartes

This famous quote from a mathematician, Descartes truly says a thousand of meaning.

For me, this quote says that we need to think not only once in whatever we do and we must always think ahead of time. Like taking our decisions, we need to balance which of which would probably gives us favorable result. If we establish a plan then we must figure out if we can truly make it as the time will come.

Generally as a student, these words of Rene tell me that I have to be conscious with my everyday and incoming works. And yes I am thinking with all the things involving my studies.

Thinking and planning also talk with discipline. We need to be serious and implement disciplinary actions from ourselves. And for me these things are not easy. I sometimes miss to discipline myself causes me not to obey my work plans as student and as person. There are so many things that I need to give my attention everyday. This is a big challenge for me until now. Setting priorities.

Thinking is existing and people are the only who exists that are thinking. We are all people, so we need to think. . .

December 9, 2008

Did you know the relation of Your Blog design and Your Posting Habit?

As I observe, I do less posting on my personal blog because I seldom visit my own personal blog.
I seldom visit it because this blog don't look nice. Me as the author don't like my own blog (for the mean time), what the?.
Maybe the reasons why this blog looks not interesting are I am having hard time choosing and knowing what are healthy-to-look templates, I don't know what to put on my blog, I don't have good taste in web-designing, or I don't really love blogging.

But I am still finding my best time for making this blog of mine updated and be interesting to visit.

I am visiting other blogs to gain ideas, sometimes. . .

November 27, 2008

Right now. . .

Right now, hopefully it would be the last sem for my course. I'm a graduating student taking computer science. As a fourth student, it is assumed that I must be competitive enough for this field of expertise chosen and ready to face the outside world. It is expected that I have learned a lot and good enough to share unto others. But it seems that I don't like that. Maybe, it is because I haven't truly developed my confidence yet or just to humble to say that "I am better" now.

I have experience and learned a lot from this course. I never expect to love everything that happened to my college years. I fell that I truly belong here. All the years were very challenging and full of hardship. Everything was great.

I don't know exactly how to describe an IT professional compare to other professionals. I don't know exactly how to differentiate him/her, but since he called professional, I'm sure that he/she must truly be one knowledgeable person. True clever that can manage his/her own resource; time , knowledge and personality. He/she is surely very confident on the way he/she deliver his/her self to the others. He/she knows what is better or not when he/she is in a situation.

Right this time, I am sure that I don't possess all of those characteristics yet but I believe I could be someone like that in proper time, soon.

. . .to be continued

Our Future Technology

Technology is very important. Some people perform their job and daily activities with this technologies. In fact, some people can't live without these technologies. All the technologies we have right now emerged from our necessities and needs. Until now, I fell that nothing have change from the way most people look at these technologies every time.We use the technology because of the following main reasons, we it use for our job, for leisure time and fun, and make nevertheless, to make our works easy and fast. And other important things which supports the daily activity of people.

Maybe, because of people around us, the new fashion trend and the type of job we have, we are influenced or somewhat force to use these technology.

For me, the key factors that affect the changes in technology is the environment which people is interacting with and affects the people's need and the competition between developers.
Technology has given has many advantages but also disadvantages that may become causes of huge problem to the people.

September 25, 2008

Completing a Paper

Conducting research is truly not easy. . . one great challenge is the time management. . . even starting from scratch consumes a lot of effort. . . i realized that one factor to complete research work is advance reading . . . although it's boring. . .but you'll realized soon the benefits of reading in advance. . . read published thesis and research from your alumni in school. . .

September 19, 2008

Sona 2008 oriented Researches. . . .

Automated Irrigation System

Some irrigation system are still manually operated and has something that can developed to maximize farming profit and others.

1. To conserve water usage.
2. To minimize human labor.
3. To have flexible Irrigation System for farmers.
4. To ensure well distribution of water.
5. To maximize farm profit.

Electronic National and Local Elections

Technology is applied to one vital functions of the government which is conducting a timely elections of leaders.

1. To have a more reliable election procedure.
2. To have faster casting and counting of votes.
3. To have ease gathering of data for statistical analysis.
4. To have flexible electoral process.
5. To have easy reviews and evaluations of results.

Animation Society

Animation is a good field of Information Technology that people can create break-out and be internationally competitive of.

1. To create a progressive community for animation technology.
2. To create new animation techniques and advances.
3. To develop new animating tools and softwares.
4. To add employment.
5. To participate international competitions.

Method over Methodology

Any process or manner of doing something can be called a method while methodology refers to principles using methods or a study of methods. In a formal definition in a methodology is defined as "the analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline" and refering to, a method is orderly procedure or process.

Methodology as seen, is a term derived from methods.

Review Glance

As I read Mr. Tello's review about Detection and Localization of Network Blackholes , I'm truly getting interested about the topic. In the reference ( he used, network blackholes refer to places in the network where incoming traffics that silently discarded or dropped, without informing the source that the data did not reach its intended recipient.

The research about network balckholes is truly recent and very interesting. It is a good starting point for development. Maybe algorithms and methods lately developed are not yet sufficient for detection and localizing network blackholes.

The reviewer is right that it is a challenge for researchers on how to create measures regarding network blackholes. This only shows that current technology has still its limitations and holes.

About IT Magazines. . .

For a researcher have chance his/her work be published in popular journals such ACM and IEEE, his/her paper must be a one of a kind. It simple means that the work have great significance (can be, your work is now being used nationally) and have quality of a best research work. I believe, it is not easy for a work be published in top-tier international journals.

According to the ACM's Right and Responsiblities in ACM Publishing, a summited work runs through different components before it is being published, namely; Reviewing, Processing of Accepted Works and Dissemination[1]. This simply shows, that well-knowed international journals tightly screen submitted works before subjecting it to publication.



July 17, 2008

Evaluating a Research

In making a research, of course we follow the standard guidelines and procedures. We read, we decide and we propose. Sometimes, not all paper works are accepted, few are rejected. Every other step in our work are structurally criticized and evaluated. Making research is not easy, we risk time and effort. That is why we need to think a hundred times first and plan.
In my own opinion, one of the important things that a research must consider is its purpose to society. Can people benefit in this research? Although it is a contribution to knowledge, is it usable?

According to Youngstown State University in there Research and Argument: Tools for Teachers and Students, there five technical components or guide to evaluate a research paper:

1. Content

- Is clear and independent thinking demonstrated within the paper? Are the main ideas within the paper original, or do they seem to be borrowed from the writer's sources?
- Does the writer have a clear purpose or thesis? Does that thesis remain the focal point of the paper, or does the paper seem to wander from point to point?
- Are all the ideas completely developed? Is the subject explored fully and in-depth enough to convey that the author has thought out her/his subject in its entirety?
- Is there enough supporting information? Is the supporting information specific and obviously not common knowledge?

2. Evidence

- Does the evidence come from valid sources? That is, are the sources written by reputable authors and published by reputable companies or organizations rather than obscure ones?
- Is the evidence appropriate to the argument being presented? Does the evidence included clearly further the development of the paper's thesis?
- Are all quotes properly introduced and worked smoothly into the text?
- Is all evidence pulled from a source and all evidence that is not common knowledge correctly cited within the text? Are those citations correctly documented in a bibliography or works cited page?

3. Organization

- Is the paper organized in the most effective way possible? (Are there places where organization changes might have been beneficial obvious to the reader?) Is reading made difficult by the organization?
- Are the most important points given the most emphasis? Are lesser points, accordingly, given less emphasis? Are there any places where major points get too little attention and minor points too much?
- Is the paper coherently organized and linked together? Are transitions from paragraph to paragraph and from point to point smooth?
- Is each paragraph and point fully developed?

4. Style

- Has the audience been taken into account? Does the writer seem to be addressing his/her audience with the appropriate tone, purpose, etc.?
- Are sentences varied in length and style? Does the writer avoid being too choppy and short or too long and confusing?
- Is the vocabulary used original and precise or is it vague and overused?

5. Grammar and Mechanics

- Does the paper seem carefully edited? Does it seem as though it was not edited or edited very little?
- Do errors in punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, or grammar detract attention from the main point of the paper?

Reference :

Research Topics over Future Career

Future career depends on the steps we take before hand, we only need to know what path we should put those steps. Although there a lot of areas of study that we can have research, but it will be lessen if we will consider the skills that we have. As a student, before conduting a research we need to know first our own resources. We ask ourselves what we can do and what are our interests? Then at that point we can identify now the areas or research topics we can do a study.
Even though we are not 100% sure if at a particular topic we have better future, atleast we have take the initial step that is needed. I believe if we will just have more and more readings about a particular area and do more exercises, we may able to develop the skills that we need for future.

July 10, 2008

State of CS Research

CS Research nowadays involve connections with other disciplines such as Physics, Biology, Mathematics, Mechanics, Control and Dynamical Systems, and Electrical Engineering[1].

Some research goals are to enhance the user experience on computing devices, reduce the cost of writing and maintaining software, and invent novel computing technologies such the Microsoft Research. With often collaboration to colleges and universities worldwide, Researches have advance broadly in the field of computer science[2].

The evolution of CS Researches globally is rapid. A faculty from the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences have covered a lot of growing or merging research areas in Computer Science. With sufficient external fundings and laboratories, this group of researches strengthen in areas of theory, systems, information systems, and artificial intelligence[4].

In the University of Chicago, the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics had the Research Team expounded in the areas like theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics. László Babai, a Research Professor of the University includes in his studied about methods of the complexity theories of Boolean circuits and branching programs have been brought to bear on the analysis of a popular random sampling technique in computational group theory[3]. His work is more on Asymptotic questions and probabilistic methods. Another work from David Beazley; focused on SWIG, a compiler I have developed for integrating existing software written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level scripting languages including Python, Perl, and Tcl/Tk. The marriage of compiled languages with scripting languages has a number of interesting features. First, adding an interpreted environment to C/C++ often makes these programs much more flexible and powerful. Second, scripting anguages can serve as a framework for building and assembling software components.

Finally, scripting languages tend to simplify hard programming tasks and make developers more productive[3].






June 26, 2008

Brief Research Reports


To have an efficient and appropriate software for our various needs and other applications is never a problem. We just have to surf the internet and find some commercially produced software or open source software to try on our own.

It is usual to most students to download trial versions softwares rather than spending much, just to have their own original product. For pratical reason, more prefers to use pirated commercial products or have an open source softwares which are free.

Presently, open sourcing had bloomed so fast. More and more supporters from the different areas of the IT Industry are coming. This study of Mockus, Fielding and Herbsleb actually showed the advantages of using open source products like the Apache Server for example. In their study, promoting these softwares will lead to a better IT world. More developers enhance their skills and had the opportunity to be known internationally. The continuous growth of every open source programs will result to better and useful products.

It is always stressed out that these open source products are for free unlike those commercial softwares that are commonly used. Although sometimes, these softwares doesn't meet our expectations in its functionality; it can still give a solution for our problems through maximizing its available properties.



C is one of most interesting languages I've learned. As a primitive language, it is applied to various applications like system designing. "C++ is most effective when applied to new software projects that use an object-oriented design from the start. However, many C programs can benefit from object-oriented extensions even when a complete rewrite is impractical. By converting a C application to compile using a C++ compiler, object-oriented elements can be introduced incrementally."(Jerry Fitzpatrick,1995) C++ as a fruit language continues in bringing the popularity of C to the programming world and competes to other OOP languages commonly used today.

This study showed the benefits and improvements in converting C programs to a C++ version. The size of the source program had lessen and the result program is faster to be executed. During the study, the author found out faults and errors that are difficult to solve when converting a block of program. There are also keywords that results conflicts. In the end, the author was still successful in transforming the entire C code to C++ having to eliminate bugs that occured during conversion process.

For me, the advances that I saw from C programming language had never changed. It's still up to every programmers to what programming language they will be using as long as it can help them solve problems they are encountering. I believe all programming languages were created with it's own purpose and can still be developed due time.


AA-Sort: A New Parallel Sorting Algorithm for Multi-Core SIMD Processors

Today, computer processors are rapidly upgrading. There are dual-core and quad-core processors available in the computer market. Soon, this no ending progress will produce highly innovative technologies, super processors. As a supplement, new system design will exist handle this high technologies. And one of this development are the sorting algorithm employed.
The traditional sorting algorithms; quick, bubble and merge sort still applies for some present and old computer processors. But now, the more multiple threading and pipelining involved in this super processors the more problems occured that even old fashioned sorting algorithms can no more answer. These gives a reason for these team of japanese IT professionals to develop a new sorting algorithm that will solve this existed problems. They called it, Aligned-Access Sort or the AA Sort. It has two major algorithm the In-Core and Out-of-Core algorithm. This new sorting method is an enhanced combination of bubble sorting and merge sorting. They had tested it to a Multi-Core SIMD processor and were able to surpass the previous algorithm used. As a whole, this shows that the development of sorting algorithms will never end due to the never ending development of computer architectures in the IT World.


June 21, 2008

A Little Something About Me

Hi! I'm Rendell Andrin, BSCS 4th year student of University of Southeastern Philippines.

I'm quite excited and nervous about this subject, Methods of Research.
I'm hopeful to learn a lot of things and to have great new experiences taking up this subject.
Our professor who handle this subject is one of a kind in the whole university.

God Bless to All!